cardiology consultatioN
Initial visit
After mindfully listening to your concerns and questions, I'll perform a focused-cardiovascular exam and some basic tests for your heart. Finally, we'll sit face to face and go over everything in detail and in plain english, so when you walk out the door you will be more knowledgeable and able to make better decisions.
It's quick and it's easy - a comprehensive cardiac evaluation and consultation - completed in under an hour.
It's quick and it's easy - a comprehensive cardiac evaluation and consultation - completed in under an hour.
- Stress Testing (if needed)
- Arrhythmia monitoring (if needed)
2nd opinions
Have you experienced the following thoughts when interacting with other doctors? ... if yes, then consider a 2nd opinion with me
They "speak in doctor language"
They "aren't listening"
They "are condescending"
"I don't understand them"
"They make me feel guilty"
"Is cardiac bypass my only option?"
"Do I really need a cardiac catherization and angioplasty?"
"I don't want medications, is there any other way?"
"Are you saying that I have to cancel my trip?"
An in-depth review of your case using your needs and lifestyle as the lens to come up with a specific recommendation that is right and best for you.
They "aren't listening"
They "are condescending"
"I don't understand them"
"They make me feel guilty"
"Is cardiac bypass my only option?"
"Do I really need a cardiac catherization and angioplasty?"
"I don't want medications, is there any other way?"
"Are you saying that I have to cancel my trip?"
An in-depth review of your case using your needs and lifestyle as the lens to come up with a specific recommendation that is right and best for you.
cardio fitneSs evaluatiOn
Want to know how fit and strong your heart is? Come in for a Cardio Fitness Evaluation ...
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